The sh shell is all well and good, but anyone who works a lot with the console will miss a lot. In particular, a proper autocomplete and a meaningful history make daily life much easier. The z-shell is a good basis, but with the package ohmyzsh
it's even more fun. The zsh
and ohmyzsh
are quickly installed after adapting the package source with pkg install -y zsh ohmyzsh
NEW: For the very impatient I have a console only section. There are only commands, no explanations.
Last update:
With chsh -s zsh USERNAME
the zsh can be assigned to another user as a shell. chsh -s zsh
A supplied configuration is already well equipped and copied to your own user directory with cp /usr/local/share/ohmyzsh/templates/zshrc.zsh-template ~/.zshrc
. This becomes active at the next login or by typing zsh
The autocomplete function provides exciting simplifications
➜ ~ pkg in{TAB}
info -- display information about installed packages
install -- install packages from remote package repositories
➜ ~ pkg delete lib{TAB}
libevent-2.1.12 libffi-3.4.6 libiconv-1.17_1
➜ ~ cd /usr/local/{TAB}
lib/ lib32/ libdata/ libexec/ local/