This server serves us as an information or exchange platform for all people who want to deal constructively and creatively with the topics FreeBSD, LINUX, IT security and general network topics and exchange.
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The BSDBox is my IT playground. Professional services around network, server and structure building I offer with my company computing-competence. If you find this content valuable and useful, I welcome feedback via matrix, email or follow me on Mastodon.
Primary service of this server is Matrix Chat Protocol, which is an open communication protocol for real-time communication. More information can be found here.
Various articles and blog posts have already helped me countless times, so it's time to give something back.
In the meantime, a number of articles have accumulated and a certain structure has emerged.
IMPORTANT: What exactly I had in mind is described here
The aim here is NOT to simply copy and paste or, as with Docker, to click somewhere and it will work somehow. The aim here is to understand how certain services work and are configured in detail. This is particularly helpful if an error occurs or certain things need to be customized.
FreeBSD is a free and complete unixoid operating system which can be installed on your own hardware. With field-proven ZFS support, it is the ideal basis for the secure storage of data. Jails can be used to run many services very easily, very lean and very securely, because for FreeBSD it doesn't matter whether one or 100 jails are running at the same time. In addition, there is a full-blown virtualization, which is excellently suited for starting other operating systems under FreeBSD.
Basically: No user tracking or other analysis is done here, there are no advertisements or editorial contributions and no data is passed on to third parties. You can find more information about this in the privacy policy.